Research Databases: ALL

List of research database titles, descriptions and links
Business Source Premier screenshot

Business Source Premier

Find full text business articles, research, and news updated daily. Read articles from popular and scholarly business periodicals, research industries, and evaluate companies and their markets.

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Gale Legal Forms screenshot

Gale Legal Forms

Take the law into your own hands - and fingertips, because now it's easy to create and find accurate, reliable legal documents with no hassle or stress.

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Learn, research and protect your investments.  Use the financial planning tools, guides, and resources to stay informed.

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IRS screenshot


Forms, instructions, and publications from the Internal Revenue Service.

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Ohio Benefits Bank screenshot

Ohio Benefit Bank

Find out if you qualify for budget-stretching work support programs and benefits by completing an eligibility QuickCheck, then complete and submit an application.

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Ohio Treasurer of State screenshot

Ohio Treasurer of State

Ohio's economic development, salaries, property maps, investment reports, veteran resource guide, Buckeye Savers, custody services, and much more

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Ohio screenshot

Official website of the state of Ohio

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Small Business Administration screenshot

U.S. Small Business Administration

Want to be an entrepreneur?  Learn how to get started on your business in 10 steps.  The SBA has delivered millions of loans, loan guarantees, contracts, counseling sessions and other forms of assistance to small business.

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